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Dacă ești un motor al schimbării și vrei să faci parte dintr-o comunitate cu valori în care te regăsești, hai în echipa noastră. Avem nevoie unii de alții.
Devino voluntar/ăGenerează
o schimbare
Ai simțit vreodată că vrei să faci mai mult pentru a avea grijă de oameni și de planetă, dar nu știi cum? Descoperă instrumentele de care ai nevoie.
Generează o schimbareProiectele noastre călătoresc în toată lumea

Using Theater to make politics – Madeira
In the footsteps of a migrant – Germania
You are the engine of change – Burundi
Differences challenge assumptions – Sri Lanka
Animate the global change – Togo
World’s future in your actions – Mozambique
You are part of this world, be part of its future – Sierra Leone
Power of Theater – Act your human rights – Albania
InclusiOFF – Let’s turn it ON – Croatia
Using Theater to make politics – Grecia
Using Theater to make politics – Norvegia
Using Theater to make politics – Polonia
In the footsteps of a migrant – Olanda
You are the engine of change – Bulgaria
You are the engine of change – Kenya
You are the engine of change – Letonia
Differences challenge assumptions – Uruguay
Differences challenge assumptions – Argentina
Differences challenge assumptions – India
Differences challenge assumptions – Nigeria
Animate the global change – Ghana
Animate the global change – Ungaria
World’s future in your actions – Tanzania
World’s future in your actions – Italia
World’s future in your actions – Spania
You are part of this world, be part of its future – Nigeria
You are part of this world, be part of its future – Slovenia
You are part of this world, be part of its future – UK
You are part of this world, be part of its future – Africa de Sud
Power of Theater – Act your human rights – Turcia
Power of Theater – Act your human rights – Kosovo
Power of Theater – Act your human rights – Macedonia
Power of Theater – Act your human rights – Serbia
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